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Blackjack Solitaire Card Game

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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2023-11-14
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LDPlayer verwenden, um Blackjack Solitaire Card Game auf PC zu spielen

Blackjack Solitaire Card Game ist ein Karte-Spiel, das von GAME DANH BAI entwickelt wurde und auf Mobilgeräten gespielt werden kann, aber mit dem besten Android-Emulator - LDPlayer können Sie Blackjack Solitaire Card Game herunterladen und auf Ihrem Computer spielen.

Wenn Sie Blackjack Solitaire Card Game auf Ihrem Computer ausführen, sie können die leistungsstarken CPU- und Speicherressourcen Ihres Computers voll ausnutzen, ohne sich um Verzögerungen oder Abstürze sorgen zu müssen. Sie sind nicht länger durch die Batterie, Mobilfunkdaten oder störende Telefonanrufe eingeschränkt. Sie können so lange spielen, wie Sie möchten.

LDPlayer ist einer der Android-Emulatoren für Computer unter Windows, speziell für leidenschaftliche Mobile-Gamer entwickelt, basierend auf Android 9.0, der Ihre Erfahrung beim Spielen von Blackjack Solitaire Card Game auf dem Computer durch schnellere Leistung und höhere FPS verbessert.

Darüber hinaus bietet LDPlayer einzigartige Funktionen für Spieler, einschließlich Unterstützung für Multi-Instanzen, Makros, Synchronisation, Fernsteuerung und andere Funktionen, die auf Mobilgeräten nicht verfügbar sind. Laden Sie Blackjack Solitaire Card Game herunter und spielen Sie es jetzt auf Ihrem Computer!

Blackjack Solitaire Poker Casino Card Game Offline. Chinese Blackjack is also known as 21-point, ban-luck Hokkien, ban-nag Cantonese, and xì dách. The game is played in South East Asia and resembles conventional Blackjack. Also is known as Kampung Village Blackjack to differentiate it from the standard Casino Blackjack, and it grew from the game played in the old days in villages. Traditionally, most casual gamblers gamble during the Chinese New Year; it is believed the new year brings in fresh new luck. Chinese Blackjack is one of the most popular games played during the new year. The game uses one or two 52-card decks and is playable by any number of players. One is the dealer, or they may take turns dealing.

The game probably evolved from the fact that amongst friends, it is hard to host a casino rules blackjack game that needs a dealer who plays differently from the players. In casino rules, the cards are opened, and the dealer must play at least until 17 points but must stand once reached, while the players have no limits. This is complicated for a home-friendly game, and it appears that the odds are stacked against the dealer. So most friends don't volunteer to be the dealer.

A unique feature is that the dealer is allowed to selectively reveal some players' hands, settle bets with them, and then hit again and reveal other players' hands. Another unique feature is a special status given to owning 5 cards unbusted. Although Chinese Blackjack has some standard rules, unusual house rules are common. Kampung blackjack, which is likely to be a derivative of the original Chinese Blackjack, Kampung means village the following rules apply:

All hands including the dealer must reach at least 15 points with a reached license or passport, or a penalty applies usually the offender has to pay all players. The maximum number of cards to be drawn is 5 only. A burn rule may apply to make things more exciting. Players receiving the initial 2 cards of 15 points may get a new lease of luck by drawing a fresh set of cards by doubling up their original bet. It gets interesting when the dealer does the burn, as all players must then double up as well. Players may choose not to 'burn' with the dealer by forfeiting the bet. A Blackjack has 21 points achieved by a ten or fairy picture card plus an ace. Usually, it is paid as 1:2. In addition, other special winning conditions apply Any combination of 21 points is usually paid out as 1:2, drawn to a maximum of 5 cards. Surviving unbusted at 5 cards usually 1:2 depending on house rules. Unbusted at 5 cards and 21 usually 1:3 depending on house rules. Triple 7 21 is usually a big payout from 1:5 to 1:21, depending on house rules. Unlike Chinese Blackjack described below, pairs have no winning privileges. Players to reveal busted cards depending on house rules

The dealer's turn is always last. They may choose selectively open the hands of the players, and make an immediate payout/collect according to the points they have at hand. After that, they may continue to hit themselves to chance if they can get higher points or bust. This feature gives a perception of another lifeline as the dealer with a bad card like 16 or 17 points can eliminate players with 3 or 4 cards on the likelihood that they have busted, before attempting another attempt to beat players with 2 cards which are likely to be good cards 18 to 21.

Apart from the above, the game is similar to the Chinese Blackjack: Players place their bets. The dealer shuffles the cards thoroughly and to prevent dealer cheating, one player may "cut the hand" by which a player takes some cards off from the shuffled deck before dealing begins. The dealer may deal with the card's clock or anti-clockwise and may choose to deal himself first or last. All cards face down. They deal two cards per person and put back the extra cards to the cut hand.

Screenshot und Video von Blackjack Solitaire Card Game auf dem PC

Laden Sie Blackjack Solitaire Card Game herunter und führen Sie es mit LDPlayer auf Ihrem Computer aus, genießen Sie den Vorteil eines breiteren Blickfeldes, die schärfste Bildqualität des Spiels und aufregende Kampffähigkeiten und Effekte. Das perfekte und ultimative Spielerlebnis, alles in LDPlayer.

Warum LDPlayer verwenden, um Blackjack Solitaire Card Game auf PC zu spielen?

LDPlayer einzigartige Funktionen für Spieler, einschließlich Unterstützung für Multi-Instanzen, Makros, Synchronisation, Fernsteuerung und andere Funktionen, die auf Mobilgeräten nicht verfügbar sind.
Beim Spielen von Blackjack Solitaire Card Game-Spielen können Sie mehrere Instanzen öffnen, um verschiedene Spielkonten auszuführen. Mit der Synchronisierungsfunktion können Sie mehrere Konten gleichzeitig ausführen. Dies ist sehr nützlich, um mehrere Gaming-Konten zu verwalten oder die Teamarbeit beim Spielen zu koordinieren.

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