Split it Right

Popcore Games
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Ausgabe 0.57.1
Auswertung 2.6
Kategorie Quizspiel
Paketnamen com.lkhjbaks.splititright
Installationen 5+
Ungefähr Split it Right
The task is simple: fill up the test tubes with the right amount of water. What could go wrong? But this is in fact a very tricky problem - you have to use the different test tubes to make sure you have enough liquid for the different sized containers. To get it just right, you’ll have to pour and unpour the same containers many times in the exact right order. It’s a classic logic problem, and only the sharpest brains will get it right. Are you ready for the challenge?

Get ready to massage your brain cells and download this gem of a game! You can Split It Right right now!

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Split it Right APK-FAQ

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Kann ich Split it Right auf meinem Computer spielen?


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