Spelling with Akili

Your toddler will learn how to spell simple words!

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Ausgabe 4.4
aktualisieren 2019-10-07
Kategorie Bildung
Paketnamen com.enuma.ubongo.SpellingEN
Installationen 5+

Ungefähr Spelling with Akili

Whether your little one has just learn their alphabet or they’re already starting to put letters together to form words, Spelling with Akili will take them well along the way to becoming a confident arranger of letters!


- LEVELED: Each level is slightly more challenging than the last, making learning smooth!
- QUALITY: Created by a skilled team of education experts, app developers, graphics designers, animators and sound engineers
- ASSURED: Designed with kids in mind and based on research into how preschoolers learn best
- REPRESENTATION: Akili is a curious and smart four-year-old who wants to learn... the perfect role model for all children


Select between 16 levels of difficulty from easy to challenging! Each level contains seven rounds of words to spell, placed on a game board, accompanied with images and spoken pronunciations.

In the easier levels, one letter ball will drop away from the word and you'll be challenged to choose the correct letter to fill the gap in the word. In the harder levels, whole words are jumbled up and its a test of your memory and spelling skill to put the words back together!

To arrange the letters, just touch and drag the letter balls. As you drag you will hear the letter name. If you put the letter in the right place it will stay in place. If you get it wrong it will bounce back down to the deck.


* Get familiar with the spellings of words
* Improve hand-eye-coordination
* Learn persistence by trying until you succeed
* Play independently
* Have fun with play based learning


To learn key swahili words - used by Akili and her friends - as well as how to spell them, try our swahili app Pangilia Herufi na Akili https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.enuma.ubongo.SpellingSW


- 136 unique words and images
- Clear pronunciations of letter names and words
- Play in a safe, secure space
- MADE for 3, 4, 5 and 6 year olds
- NO high scores, so no failure or stress
- Works OFFLINE, without an internet connection


Akili and Me is an edutainment cartoon from Ubongo, creators of Ubongo Kids and Akili and Me - great learning programs made in Africa, for Africa.
Akili is a curious 4-year-old who lives with her family at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania. She has a secret: every night when she falls asleep, she enters the magical world of Lala Land, where she and her animal friends learn all about language, letters, numbers and art, while developing kindness and coming to grips with their emotions and rapidly changing toddler lives! With broadcast in 5 countries and a massive international online following, kids from around the world love going on magical learning adventures with Akili!

Watch videos of Akili and Me on YouTube, and check the website www.ubongo.org to see if the show airs in your country.


Ubongo is a social enterprise that creates interactive edutainment for kids in Africa, using the technologies they already have. We entertain kids to LEARN & LOVE LEARNING!

We leverage the power of entertainment, the reach of mass media, and the connectivity provided by mobile devices to deliver high-quality, localized edutainment and educational content to African kids, giving them the resources and motivation to learn independently – at their own pace.

All proceeds from app sales will go towards creating more FREE educational content for children in Africa.


If you have questions, comments, advice or need help and support with this app please talk to us at: digital@ubongo.org. We’re always happy to hear from you.

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Rezensionen zu Spelling with Akili für Android

An awesome application for the kids, my baby is only 4 years old and she started to use this app a week ago. I see a lot of improvements and progress as she is now able to spell a lot of words. I recommend this app to other parents who wants to see the same for their lovely kids.
Great game.. I like the clear graphics and different stages. Oohh.. and music is catchy! My daughter is humming the music and was happy to see a familiar word Nose :) Looking forward to a next one..
Great initiative however letter names are quite the obsolete way; it has in the past stunted our children and caused lots of confusion; the app wont meet its objective; it is urgent that you switch to letter sounds. Unless your intention again is to stunt. Thanks, Paul - parent to a four-year old and Akili enthusiast.

Spelling with Akili APK-FAQ

Ist Spelling with Akili für mein Gerät sicher?

Ja, Spelling with Akili befolgt die Inhaltsrichtlinien von Google Play, um eine sichere Nutzung auf Ihrem Android-Gerät zu gewährleisten.

Was ist eine XAPK-Datei und was soll ich tun, wenn die heruntergeladene Spelling with Akili-Datei eine XAPK-Datei ist?

XAPK ist ein Dateierweiterungsformat, das sowohl eine eigenständige APK-Datei als auch andere Daten enthält (z. B. zusätzliche Ressourcendateien in großen Spielen). Der Zweck einer XAPK-Datei besteht darin, es zu ermöglichen, die Daten einer Anwendung vor der Installation getrennt zu speichern, um große Anwendungen effizienter zu verwalten und zu übertragen. XAPK kann dazu beitragen, die Größe des initialen Installationspakets einer Anwendung zu reduzieren. Auf dem Smartphone muss der Benutzer normalerweise zuerst eine XAPK-Installationsanwendung installieren und dann die XAPK-Datei durch diese Anwendung installieren. Die entsprechende Anwendung finden Sie unter folgendem Link: https://apkcombo.com/de/how-to-install/ . Auf dem Computer können Sie die Datei einfach in den LDPlayer Android-Emulator ziehen.

Kann ich Spelling with Akili auf meinem Computer spielen?

Ja, Sie können Spelling with Akili auf Ihrem Computer abspielen, indem Sie einen Android-Emulator installieren – LDPlayer. Nach der Installation von LDPlayer ziehen Sie einfach die heruntergeladene APK-Datei per Drag & Drop in den Emulator, um mit der Wiedergabe von Spelling with Akili auf dem PC zu beginnen. Alternativ können Sie den Emulator öffnen, im in LDPlayer integrierten Play Store nach dem Spiel oder der App suchen, die Sie spielen möchten, und es von dort aus installieren.

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