مدمن حبك محمود الغياث

This application gives you the opportunity to listen to the song “Addicted to Your Love” by Mahmoud Al-Ghayath.
Hatem Abdel-Al

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aktualisieren 2023-11-28
Kategorie Musik und Audio
Paketnamen com.mdmn.hobak.mhmod.gyath.hatem.app1097011274284
Installationen 5+

Ungefähr مدمن حبك محمود الغياث

Download the Mahmoud Al-Ghaiyath Addicted to Your Love application now for free and exclusively only on Google Play.

This application contains the song “Addicted to Your Love” by Mahmoud Al-Ghayath, with a high and pure voice and quality. We have worked to add the best content in this application to achieve the best results to satisfy the user. We have added the ability for the user to copy the lyrics of the song “Addicted to Your Love” by Mahmoud Al-Ghayath and share the audio clip of it with friends on the Internet, and the song can be used online. Addicted to Your Love Mahmoud Al-Ghayath as a ringtone on all social media platforms with ease.

The song “Addicted to Your Love” Mahmoud Al-Ghayath received the highest rating and a number of fans around the Arab world, and the song “Addicted to Your Love” Mahmoud Al-Ghayath is considered one of the best and most beautiful songs this year. If you are a fan of the songs of this artist Mahmoud Al-Ghayath, download the application now.

One of the features of this application is Addicted to Your Love Mahmoud Al-Ghayath. You can play the song and exit the application so that the song Addicted to Your Love Mahmoud Al-Ghayath remains playing in the background and enjoy browsing the phone while listening to the song.

Contents of the Mahmoud Al-Ghayath Addicted to Your Love application:

1. Mahmoud Al-Ghayath’s original song, Addicted to Your Love
2. Video clip of the song “Addicted to Your Love” by Mahmoud Al-Ghayath, the original.
3. The original lyrics of the song “Addicted to Your Love” by Mahmoud Al-Ghayath.

Features of the Mahmoud Al-Ghayath Addicted to Your Love application:

1. Ease of use.
2. Continuous updating.
3. High, pure sound quality.
4. You can listen to the song online.

Lyrics of the song “Addicted to Your Love” by Mahmoud Al-Ghayath:

You know my love for you takes my heart to another world
And your name never comes out on my tongue, you know I love you
Reassure your heart and continue with the following
Your love is a source of peace of mind and reassurance to your heart

Malini thorns and bends
Forget me all my worries
With you, I feel other than the world
I'm concerned about you hanging on me

From everything you believe, he didn't take me
Hanali Beck, you love me, you love me

You know my love for you takes my heart to another world
And your name is not revealed.. With my tongue you know I love you

Addicted to your love, I can't be patient without you
How beautiful your eyes are, addicted to your love
I was lost before you and with you, my whole self changed
Don't let others stop you. They will find me lost before you

Your love left my heart confused
I can't describe his interpretation
I would go astray to death, nothing would change it, nothing would change it
He compensated me for all the fatigue of my years
With eagerness and love, Malini
Like you, my eyes have not seen my eyes

Addicted to your love.. I can't be patient without you
How beautiful your eyes are... addicted to your love

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Copyright Disclaimer:
These images, audio clips and video clips are not approved by any of their owners. This application is an unofficial application and is based solely on fans. No violation or infringement of copyright is intended, and any request to remove one or all of the images, audio clips and video clips will be respected. .

You can contact the application developer via email:


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Was ist eine XAPK-Datei und was soll ich tun, wenn die heruntergeladene مدمن حبك محمود الغياث-Datei eine XAPK-Datei ist?

XAPK ist ein Dateierweiterungsformat, das sowohl eine eigenständige APK-Datei als auch andere Daten enthält (z. B. zusätzliche Ressourcendateien in großen Spielen). Der Zweck einer XAPK-Datei besteht darin, es zu ermöglichen, die Daten einer Anwendung vor der Installation getrennt zu speichern, um große Anwendungen effizienter zu verwalten und zu übertragen. XAPK kann dazu beitragen, die Größe des initialen Installationspakets einer Anwendung zu reduzieren. Auf dem Smartphone muss der Benutzer normalerweise zuerst eine XAPK-Installationsanwendung installieren und dann die XAPK-Datei durch diese Anwendung installieren. Die entsprechende Anwendung finden Sie unter folgendem Link: https://apkcombo.com/de/how-to-install/ . Auf dem Computer können Sie die Datei einfach in den LDPlayer Android-Emulator ziehen.

Kann ich مدمن حبك محمود الغياث auf meinem Computer spielen?

Ja, Sie können مدمن حبك محمود الغياث auf Ihrem Computer abspielen, indem Sie einen Android-Emulator installieren – LDPlayer. Nach der Installation von LDPlayer ziehen Sie einfach die heruntergeladene APK-Datei per Drag & Drop in den Emulator, um mit der Wiedergabe von مدمن حبك محمود الغياث auf dem PC zu beginnen. Alternativ können Sie den Emulator öffnen, im in LDPlayer integrierten Play Store nach dem Spiel oder der App suchen, die Sie spielen möchten, und es von dort aus installieren.

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